ej writes now

Intercession II

I am the sword of justice. I am the shield against the unjust.

Allow my love and grace to bloom like wildfire, and to forever outlast me.

May I never doubt myself, for to doubt myself is to doubt the ones I love, and I do not doubt the ones I love.

Thanks onto those who came before me and were struck down for it.

Hallowed, forever, are their names, and may I never forget them.

Every step forward is their legacy, so no more may be struck down. And may:

Sonder be my closest ally,

Wonder be my dearest friend,

Oppression be my fiercest enemy, and

Righteousness be my closest neighbor.

Dreams from yesterday are my will today, and my will today is the real tomorrow. Let

Only the truth be acceptable, and let me find no solace in lies, but

Forever is our path to find the truth.

Justice flows from us like vast oceans, and

Under me is infinite love, holding me fast.

So may I bring mercy where others would give no quarter, and grace where others would be graceless.

Towards the brightness I vow to forever gaze.

Carry me, my loves and comrades, when I cannot walk, and I will carry you tenfold further.

Every micron of my love lives on in you, and every micron of your love lives on in me.

I continue on.

I continue on.

I continue on.